J.J. FAD Interview (The Graduate)

“Straight Outta Rialto”
Written by Jason Reed

May 29, 2017

I had the honor of sitting down with “supersonic” hip-hop legends J.J. Fad before their much anticipated performance at the Graduate in San Luis Obispo, CA on May 21st, 2017. I was excited to talk with these first ladies of hip-hop about their influential history, their involvement in the Southern California hip hop music scene of the 1980’s (that spawned other luminaries such as NWA and the Egyptian Lover),  as well as address some old school beefs that needed squashing once and for all. Throughout our conversation, I gained a tremendous amount of insight from their shared thoughts and feelings and consider myself lucky to have spent such quality time with these classy icons.

Note: For those viewers that watched closely, you may have noticed us looking distractingly off camera. Money B. (of the Digital Underground) and Arabian Prince happened to walk by as we were holding up the Sugga & Spice record and both began laughing (after they got over their original shock of the surreal scene they were witnessing). Also, for those viewers who wonder what ultimately happened to the Sugga & Spice record, well, let’s just say that it “disappeared” and is probably sleeping with the fishes in an aqueduct somewhere near Rialto, California… 😉

To stay up on all things J.J. Fad related, be sure follow them on Facebook.



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